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proj:20.1 [2013/05/17 14:16] bgellyproj:20.1 [2014/03/25 12:59] (current) bgelly
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 +=== WP 20.1 Transnational Access or Service(TAS) Program and EAST TAC===
 +[[20.1 ko notes]]
 +   * May 2013:\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 20.1 TAC for WP 90.5-6
 +   * Feb/March 2013: \ \ 20.1 TAC for WP 90.1-2-3-4 
 +   * Jan/Feb   2014: \ \ \ \ \ \ 20.1 TAC for WP 90.1-2-3-4-5-6 
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