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results [2024/11/14 11:13] – created etienneresults [2024/12/05 15:42] (current) etienne
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 === Scientific Publications === === Scientific Publications ===
 +[[Results:publications| List of publications related to THEMIS]]
 +=== Images and animations galleries ===
-=== Highlights  ===+[[Results:gallery| Galleries of images and animations obtained with THEMIS]]
-2023 ==== 
-[[Results:2023 prominences highlight | ]]+=== News and highlights ===
-=== 2022 ====+**2024** \\ 
 +**2023** \\ 
 +[[Results:2023 prominences highlight | ]]
-=== 2021 ====+**2022** \\ 
 +[[highlights:Mercury with AO]]
-=== 2024 ====+**2020** \\ 
 +[[Results:TAOfisrtlight | First light of Themis Adaptive Optics (TAO)]] \\ 
 +[[2020_ao_first_light | First light]] of Themis Adaptive Optics (TAO) \\ 
 +[[themis_ao_system_descr | TAO hardware]] system  description
 +**2019** \\
 +[[this>_wdata/WImg/transit_entry_guider.m4v|2019 Mercury transit entry from guider]] \\
 +[[this>_wdata/WImg/Mercury_full_guider.m4v|2019 Mercury transit complete from guider]]
-  2023 [[2023 prominences highlight]] +**2018** \\ 
-  2023 [[call23:2023 observing schedule]] +[[highligths:Summer planetary gallery]]
-  2023 [[call23:2023_call_for_observing_time|2023 call for observing time]]  +
-  2022 [[highlights:Mercury with AO]] +
-  * 2022 [[call22:2022 observing schedule]] at THEMIS +
-  * 2020 [[2020_ao_first_light | First light]] of Themis Adaptive Optics (TAO) +
-  * 2020 [[themis_ao_system_descr | TAO hardware]] system  description +
-  * 2020 [[call20:2020 call for observing time | call for observing time]] +
-  * 2020 [[Observing schedule 2020| observing schedule]] / notice +
-  * [[this>_wdata/WImg/transit_entry_guider.m4v|2019 Mercury transit entry from guider]] +
-  * [[this>_wdata/WImg/Mercury_full_guider.m4v|2019 Mercury transit complete from guider]] +
-  * 2018 [[highligths:Summer planetary gallery]]+
-<font size="0.5">  
-© 2024 CNRS-THEMIS <br> 
-Terms of use: unless otherwise specified, all graphical (webcam records, movies, pictures) or non-graphical material (text) from this site is property of CNRS-THEMIS: you are welcome in using any content provided that you properly cite its origin.</font> 
results.1731582811.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/14 11:13 by etienne
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