MTR2 in spectropolarimetry mode: In this mode,
3 cameras (hence 3 wavelengths) at most are available, from the above list. It is possible to combine polarimetric and non-polarimetric cameras. Our polarimetric analysis scheme is based on a full-Stokes analyzer located at the F1 prime focus. For any solar polarization state to measure, the output of the analyzer is made of dual superimposed complementary linear polarizations. Thanks to our “polarization friendly” new optical scheme, this output travels through the telescope and arrives unperturbed on the spectrograph cameras. Just in front of the camera, a Wollaston splitter separates the beam into complementary Stokes components to form the spectral focal plane. Regarding the available analysis software:
A Stokes map quick-look is now available.
Thanks to V. Bommier, a basic magnetic field inversion software package (running locally in IDL) is available.
Broadband imaging context camera: this is running concurrently with the spectrograph. Current setup is for 656 nm (red), but this can be changed optionally to G-band or other.
Adaptive optics is available and tested over sunspots and granulation with good results oversignificantly long periods of time (seeing dependent).