MTR2 is the advanced version of the original MulTi-Ray spectrograph of THEMIS. MTR2 enables the production of high-spectral resolution spectrograms simultaneously in different wavelengths. This enables the study of different physical properties of the distinct layers of the solar atmosphere.
Schematics of MTR2
MTR2 is made of a predispersor (“SP1” first one on the left part), forming a low resolution spectrum on the wavelength selector (so called the “mask plate”). From there, only the selected bandwiths travel to the high-resolution echelle spectrograph (right part), ending over the MTR cameras at the SP2 output (one bandwith per camera). The optical layout along Y is fixed (no changes, never). The ruling of the gratings are along Y only and the dispersion of both spectra is along Z only. The entrance slit is fixed (but for its width), and such are the collimators and camera mirrors. The moving parts are:
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