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technical:tao [2024/12/17 11:12] – created etiennetechnical:tao [2024/12/18 14:50] (current) – [To go further] etienne
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 ===== Themis Adaptive Optics  =====   ===== Themis Adaptive Optics  =====  
-** Themis Adaptive Optics (TAO)** is a single conjugate adaptive optics (AO) system with only one **[[themis:technical:tao#Deformable mirror| deformable mirror]]** conjugated to the lower atmospheric layers, responsible for most of the observed daytime turbulence at our site. \\ +** Themis Adaptive Optics (TAO)** is a single conjugate adaptive optics (AO) system with only one **[[technical:tao#Deformable mirror| deformable mirror]]** conjugated to the lower atmospheric layers, responsible for most of the observed daytime turbulence at our site. \\ 
-TAO is inserted in the light path after the telescope and the transfer relay optics, between the (intermediate) F2' focus and the F2 focus at the spectrograph entry (Fig. 1). The TAO layout requires two horizontal folds of the beam, then returning it to a vertical path on the same downstream axis (Fig. 2). A beam splitter (with some power) feeding the **[[themis:technical:tao#Wavefront sensor| wavefront sensor]]** with a fraction of the light is located between the two folds. The combination of OBJ1 and the beam splitter transports (and amplify) the DM pupil on the OBJ2 mirror, which is de-facto our beam steering mirror, allowing to scan the field on the spectrograph slit. OBJ2 itself also creates the F2 focus on the the entry slit.  +TAO is inserted in the light path after the telescope and the transfer relay optics, between the (intermediate) F2' focus and the F2 focus at the spectrograph entry (Fig. 1). The TAO layout requires two horizontal folds of the beam, then returning it to a vertical path on the same downstream axis (Fig. 2). A beam splitter (with some power) feeding the **[[technical:tao#Wavefront sensor| wavefront sensor]]** with a fraction of the light is located between the two folds. The combination of OBJ1 and the beam splitter transports (and amplify) the DM pupil on the OBJ2 mirror, which is de-facto our beam steering mirror, allowing to scan the field on the spectrograph slit. OBJ2 itself also creates the F2 focus on the the entry slit.  
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 The full technical library is on the [[proj:AO project library| AO project library webpage]]. \\ The full technical library is on the [[proj:AO project library| AO project library webpage]]. \\
-[[results:publications#THEMIS Adaptive  Optics | List of publications about TAO]]+[[science:publications:tao | List of publications about TAO]]
technical/tao.1734433952.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/12/17 11:12 by etienne
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