====THEMIS 2022 observing campaign==== THEMIS 2022 observing campaign will take place approximately **from Apr 15th to Oct 30th** 2022 for about 70 days. Incoming information will be posted here and on our site portal as soon as it becomes available. We encourage everyone to apply. == Rules of access == Use of the THEMIS telescope is granted by rights to the French and Spanish communities, but also to the European and international community under the SOLARNET''(1)'' and CCI-ITP time allocation procedures. The International Scientific Committee (CCI) of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (IAC), overseeing the Canary Islands telescopes, awards observing time through its International Time Program (ITP). SOLARNET awards observing time under its transnational ACCESS program. Proposals for ITP and SOLARNET time are both allocated by the EAST-TAC, a joint European time allocation committee of the European Association for Solar Telescopes (EAST), and sharing the same deadlines. * Applicants to "French time": 75% of the campaign,about 55 days. French users must take care of their travel and subsistence expenses. * As a EU or associated state member, you can apply to the same french time within the **[[https://solarnet-project.eu/Access-Calls| SOLARNET/Trans National Access]]** program (see for your eligibility and others details on the same page). The SOLARNET/Access program offers travel and subsistence (T&S) grants for the observing run. * Applicants to "Spanish time": 20% of the campaign, 14 days for 2021. * Applicants to the "CCI time Solar ITP": 5% of the total, or 5 days in 2021. ==How to apply== The submission of proposals is specific to the category of users you belong, based on the above rules of access: * French users: Please fill in this **[[| LaTex application form]]** and e-mail it to: **''%%bgelly@themis.iac.es%%''**. * Spanish users should follow theinstructions of the **[[http://www.iac.es/OOCC/solar-cat| IAC solar CAT]]** proposal system. * SOLARNET TNA and CCI-ITP users: Please check on the **[[https://solarnet-project.eu/Access-Calls | Solarnet TNA page]]** where you will find forms and information to apply to THEMIS. Those forms whall be mailed to: **''%%east-tac@astro.su.se %%''** == Deadlines == * For french time: Feb 25th, 2022 * For spanish time: please check at: **[[http://www.iac.es/OOCC/solar-cat |IAC solar CAT]]** * For SOLARNET TNA and CCI-ITP time: please check at: **[[https://solarnet-project.eu/Access-Calls | Solarnet TNA]]** == Available instrumentation for 2022 == Please check [[call22:2022_user_info.txt|here]] for updated user info. We also encourage everybody to contact us directly to express your needs or concerns. == Proposal processing and calendar == As soon as the appropriate refereeing steps for each community and TAC have been passed, we will quickly inform you of the outcome of your proposal. **Inquiries**: Please email to --- //[[bgelly@themis.iac.es|Bernard Gelly]]// or by phone: +34 619015893 (WET timezone). (1) {{:logos:solarnet_logo.png?0x15|}}{{:logos:eu_flag.png?0x15|}} ''SOLARNET is funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme for the period January 2019 until December 2022 under Grant Agreement No 824135 (SOLARNET)''