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start [2024/11/06 15:00] etiennestart [2025/02/10 12:28] (current) – removed etienne
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-<columns 80%  c 10% c - c - c - c - c - > 
-[[https://www3.gobiernodecanarias.org/noticias/category/alertas | GobCan current alerts]] 
-[[https://www.iac.es/en/observatorios-de-canarias/teide-observatory/emergencies-and-alerts | OT alerts and emergencies ]] 
-[[WeatherForecasts|Site weather and forecasts ]] 
-[[Roads status | Status of access roads]] 
-[[Telephones and locations | THEMIS locations and  directories]] 
-<columns 100%  20% l 50%> 
-[[http://themis.iac.es/wdata/WTtemp/lastThermik.png |▪ Tube temp]]\\ 
-[[ |▪ Site weather]]\\ 
-[[https://themis.iac.es/wdata/Webcam/last_webcam_movie.wmv|▪ D-1 cam]] 
-|[[http://themis.iac.es/wdata/Webcam/webcam.jpg|{{http://themis.iac.es/wdata/Webcam/webcam.jpg?125y}}]] |[[http://themis.iac.es/wdata/WImg/current.png|{{http://themis.iac.es/wdata/WImg/current.png?92y}}]] |[[http://themis.iac.es/wdata/Webcam/Domecam.jpg|{{http://themis.iac.es/wdata/Webcam/Domecam.jpg?130y}}]]| [[http://themis.iac.es/wdata/Wwheater/RGBNat.jpg |{{http://themis.iac.es/wdata/Wwheater/final.jpg?130y}}]] | {{http://themis.iac.es/wdata/Wwheater/LatestMto.png?125y}} | 
-The [[call24:2024 observing schedule ]] is here.  
-<columns 95% first column attributes 45% second column attributes  60%> 
-  * [[Recent topics]] (unposted from this page) 
-  * [[Instrument & Telescope info]] 
-  * [[ugi:Users general info]]  
-  * [[http://themis.iac.es/wdata/logdid/index.php|Observing logs]] 
-  * [[Data & Databases]] 
-  * [[Institutional]] 
-<!---   * [[Showcase]] ---> 
-  * [[proj:European Solar Telescope Design Study (EST/DS)    ]] 
-  * [[proj:The SOLARNET/I3 proposal]] 
-  * [[proj:AO project library]]  
-<!---  * [[proj:Job vacancy at THEMIS]] ---> 
-  * [[adm:Themis administration]] 
-  * [[Old webSites archives]] 
-  * [[http://www.themis.iac.es/pwg|Themis Gallery (New !)]] 
-Items below require a THEMIS [[http://themis.iac.es/doku.php?id=start&do=login&sectok=c5da21d2a84a1fd9744196430dc45aee|login]]\\ 
-<columns 95%  45%  60%> 
-  * [[Campaigns management]] 
-  * [[Logging of technical events]] 
-  * [[webn administration]] 
-  * [[proj: Projects pages]] 
-  * [[http://themis.iac.es/wdata/WTtemp/lastThermik.png | Tube thermal control]] 
-  * [[Webcams management]] 
-#;;                        // divalign left ! 
-Photosphere imaging highlights, including:\\ 
-'with/without' AO movies,  AO correction while scanning the field (on 1' "context" and 2' "slitjaw" cameras), KT post-processing on AO imaging\\ 
-<html> <video onloadedmetadata="this.muted = true" height="100" controls autoplay loop> 
-<source src="/wdata/AO2nd/noaa-12975-with-without_b.mp4" type="video/mp4"> 
-<html> <video onloadedmetadata="this.muted = true" height="100" controls autoplay loop> 
-<source src="/wdata/AO2nd/Granulation-with-without.mp4" type="video/mp4"> 
-<html> <video onloadedmetadata="this.muted = true" height="100" controls autoplay loop> 
-<source src="/wdata/AO2nd/Scanning_over_granulation.mp4" type="video/mp4"> 
-<html> <video onloadedmetadata="this.muted = true" height="100" controls autoplay loop> 
-<source src="/wdata/AO2nd/noaa18_small.mp4" type="video/mp4"> 
-<video onloadedmetadata="this.muted = true" height="100" controls autoplay loop> 
-<source src="/wdata/AO2nd/noaa21_small.mp4" type="video/mp4"> 
-[[Nouvelle page (en construction)]] 
-<font size="0.5">  
-© 2024 CNRS-THEMIS <br> 
-Terms of use: unless otherwise specified, all graphical (webcam records, movies, pictures)  or non-graphical material (text) from this site is property of CNRS-THEMIS: you are welcome in using any content provided that you properly cite its origin.</font> 
start.1730905235.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/06 15:00 by etienne
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