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-====== THEMIS Solar Telescope ====== 
-<columns 100% 70%> 
-The THEMIS solar telescope (Télescope Héliographique pour l’Étude du Magnétisme et des Instabilités Solaires) of [[https://www.insu.cnrs.fr/en|CNRS-INSU]] is a 1-meter-class optical solar telescope, primarily dedicated to studying solar magnetism and the dynamical processes within the Sun’s atmosphere (such as sunspots and solar flares). THEMIS can also perform observation of near-Sun objects such as Mercury and comets. 
-THEMIS is located at the [[https://www.iac.es/en/observatorios-de-canarias/teide-observatory | Teide Observatory]] of [[https://www.iac.es/en | IAC]], with a base office in La Laguna, in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  
-Click for information on: \\ 
-**[[THEMIS Locations | How to reach THEMIS locations]]** \\ 
-**[[THEMIS Contacts | How to contact THEMIS Staff]]** \\ 
-**[[admin:location| How to reach THEMIS locations]]** \\ 
-**[[admin:cntact| How to contact THEMIS Staff]]** 
-<newcolumn 30%> 
-<html> <a href="https://www.themis.iac.es/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=observatorio_del_teide_daniel_lopez-6_sm.jpg"><img src="https://www.themis.iac.es/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=observatorio_del_teide_daniel_lopez-6_sm.jpg" style="width:90%; height: auto;"></a></html> 
-/*{{observatorio_del_teide_daniel_lopez-6_sm.jpg?0x180|THEMIS and El Teide}}*/ 
-=== Overview of telescope status  === 
-<columns 90% c 20% c 20% c 20% c 20% c 20% > 
-<html> <a href="http://themis.iac.es/wdata/Webcam/webcam.jpg"><img src="http://themis.iac.es/wdata/Webcam/webcam.jpg" style="width:90%; height: auto;"></a></html> \\ 
-[[http://themis.iac.es/wdata/Webcam/webcam.jpg | Webcam of THEMIS view from VTT]] 
-<html> <a href="http://themis.iac.es/wdata/Webcam/Domecam.jpg"><img src="http://themis.iac.es/wdata/Webcam/Domecam.jpg" style="width:100%; height: auto;"></a></html> \\ 
-[[http://themis.iac.es/wdata/Webcam/Domecam.jpg | Webcam of THEMIS Dome]] 
-<html> <a href="http://themis.iac.es/wdata/Wwheater/RGBNat.jpg"><img src="http://themis.iac.es/wdata/Wwheater/RGBNat.jpg" style="width:90%; height: auto;"></a></html> \\ 
-Latest [[https://view.eumetsat.int/productviewer?v=default | EUMETSAT]] RGB image 
-<html> <a href="http://themis.iac.es/wdata/Wwheater/LatestMto.png"><img src="http://themis.iac.es/wdata/Wwheater/LatestMto.png" style="width:100%; height: auto;"></a></html> \\ 
-[[ | THEMIS Weather station]] 
-<html> <a href="http://themis.iac.es/wdata/WImg/current.png"><img src="http://themis.iac.es/wdata/WImg/current.png" style="width:70%; height: auto;"></a></html> \\ 
-Last image from \\ 
-THEMIS full Sun pointer 
-=== The THEMIS telescope and its science === 
-**[[themis|Technical and scientific and administrative information about THEMIS]]** \\ 
-[[themis:science|THEMIS scientific objectives]] \\ 
-**[[technical|Technical & scientific information about THEMIS]]** \\ 
-[[science:objectives|THEMIS scientific objectives]] \\ 
-[[admin|THEMIS administrative structures]]  
-=== Observing with THEMIS  === 
-**[[observation| Information for research scientist desiring to observe with THEMIS]]** \\ 
-[[observation:weather | Weather at THEMIS location and weather forecast]] \\ 
-[[observation:data| THEMIS data products & data access]]  
-=== THEMIS Results === 
-**[[results| THEMIS scientific highlights and news]]** \\ 
-[[results:gallery| THEMIS observations and media galleries]] \\ 
-**[[science:results| THEMIS scientific highlights and news]]** \\ 
-[[science:results:gallery| THEMIS observations and media galleries]] 
-== THEMIS image of the month: December 2024 == 
-<columns 90% c > 
-/*{{noaa13354.jpg?0x400|Themis NOAA 13354 Sunspot}} \\ */ 
-/*{{http://themis.iac.es/wdata/AO2nd/z01_20220331_10521652_3.5s3k5ip100fr_decpsf.png?0x400|Themis Sunspot}} \\ */ 
-<html> <a href="https://www.themis.iac.es/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=results:gallery:ar:noaa13354_lowerres_solor.jpg"> <img src="https://www.themis.iac.es/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=results:gallery:ar:noaa13354_lowerres_solor.jpg" alt="Themis NOAA 13354 Sunspot" style="width: 100%; height: auto;"></a></html> \\ 
-Composite whitelight image of solar active region NOAA 13345 observed with THEMIS on June 6th 2023, using the capabilities of the Themis Adaptive Optics 
-[[results:gallery:imofmonth|Past images of the month]] 
-=== THEMIS telescope management === 
-[[management|Internal pages for the THEMIS team]] 
-[[oldstart|Previous THEMIS front page]] 
start.1734431330.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/12/17 10:28 by etienne
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